Warblade dnd 3.5
Warblade dnd 3.5

warblade dnd 3.5 warblade dnd 3.5 warblade dnd 3.5


There’s generally 2 kinds of Duskblade builds: ones that go to level 13 to get the full-round Arcane Channeling in order to spread their DPS and spells between monsters with a reach weapon, full attacking, and those who exit some time after level 3 or 6 and make do with the basic ability in order to focus on single-target DPS. There are some variant builds that use Duskblade more extensively in order to abuse the full-channel Arcane Channeling to damage hordes of enemies with huge reach or buff allies by the same mechanic. There are not very many endgame options for a Duskblade, so it is best to exist the class via Prestige or Multiclass at some point, also. A Duskblade can be a nice addition to a Brains-Over-Brawn build (high-INT melee fighter), as she gets a good handful of useful spells in the core 3 levels. Ultimately, the Duskblade is not good at much else besides dealing damage, so this guide is mostly optimizing for more damage and some amount of utility. It is also a generic class that can be used to add flavor to other builds, so you could have a charger but start with some levels of Duskblade because you want magic-infused attacks. While it is out-damaged by other classes and builds, it has a few perks (lots of free cantrips, a few random useful spells, full BAB) that some people may like. While the class is limited in spell selection, it is very good at doing nova-style damage in melee using its Arcane Channeling ability to both attack and cast a touch-range spell on an enemy. The Duskblade is probably the easiest way to both cast spells and do melee combat, but far from the best.

Warblade dnd 3.5